3D Printing Material Data-Sheet

Production-grade, rigid material for production parts

High temperature resistant translucent plastic with HDT over 300 °C

Durable, hard rubber-like material

Flexible and durable, production polypropylene-like material

Rigid white material that can be sterilized and tested at high temperature

Opaque rigid white production-grade plastic
What is a 3D Printing Material Data-Sheet ?
A material data sheet is a white paper released by the material manufacturer in order to let the buyers know the properties of the material when applied on real world situations. The properties listed in the white paper includes the Mechanical, Electrical & Chemical properties of the respective material.
A material data sheet is quite a vital piece of information. The data of these properties will help the engineers to choose the right material for the right application. Material data sheet will help to run various analysis on CAE software just by entering the required values given in the material data sheet before even going to the prototyping stage.
Generally, the material data sheet will be given by the material manufacturer at the time of purchase of the material or it can be downloaded from their website. At Crenodez we use various 3D printers for various applications. Therefore, we have listed all our essential 3D Printing material data-sheet for you to review and apply it before getting started.
How to choose the right material by looking into 3D Printing Material Data-Sheet ?
There is always a particular application for the products which you design. It may be a medical device used in a lab or an automotive part which will be installed in the engine bay. Therefore, the product designer/engineer should be aware where the product will be used. With that said, the engineer will already have a basic idea on the operating conditions of the product like the temperature, pressure, required strength, etc.
To be more specific the engineer should know what are the required mechanical, electrical and chemical properties of the material he needs for this application. Next step of the engineer is to compare the required data with the data available in the material data sheet. For example, if the material should withstand a temperature of 150 Celsius then the engineer should find a material which can withstand 150 Celsius or above. Similarly, the engineer has to compare all the other essential properties and filter down to the most suitable material.
Why Should You see the 3D Printing Material Data-Sheet before getting started ?
Ultimately when you start a project you want to save as much of your time and money which you spend in the complete development process. Not choosing the right material will lead to more number of failures while testing the prototype which will lead to more iterations. Looking into the 3d printing material data-sheet will give you a better clarity on how the material will behave in real time conditions. Also, before even starting the prototype, the values in the 3d printing material data-sheet will help you to run various analysis on CAE software and also to cross check the actual mass of the product.